About Independent Drawing Service

Our Third-Party Draw Service solves the main problem of many drawings: participants' doubts about drawing and its organizer fairness.
Using our system to draw lots benefits both parties:
- There are benefits for participants because they can be sure that the drawing results were not forged
- There are benefits for the drawing’s organizer because:
- Participants know that the drawing will be honest and more willing to participate in it
- Participants can't accuse organizers of forgery of the drawing results
- Increases participants' confidence and loyalty to the organizer
- Finding winners of a competition by draw
- Organizing lotteries
- Ordering participants randomly
- Facebook competitions fans draw (special functions available)
- Two types of drawings are available:
- Finding winners of a competition by draw
- Ordering participants randomly
- Two types of drawing objects are available:
- Participants added by draw organizer (for example, names, nicknames, emails, etc.)
- Number intervals
- Multiple winners
- Simple way of entering participants (for example, in order to enter Facebook competition fans, just make a copy/paste and all unnecessary information will be automatically deleted, leaving only fans names. Details.)
- Possibility to merge duplicate participants
- Three levels of publishing: public, available by link, private
- Possibility to integrate the system into a website (WEB service API)
- Probability of winning is equal for all participants.
- All drawings are conducted automatically through computer software without human intervention.
- Draw organizer can't have any influence on the results of the draw.
- After drawing, organizer can't edit or remove it.
- Participants of the draw can see all other drawings, majority of participants of which are the same participants. As a result, the draw organizer can't make multiple drawings in order to get a wanted result because such attempts would be visible to participants.
- All information about each drawing is available to participants involved: title, description, organizer, drawing type, date of creation and last edition, number of participants and winners, duplicate participants number, list of similar drawings, drawing date, list of participants, list of winners and list of losers.
- Drawing results are stored for one year and can always be verified.
Organizing drawing with our system is easy, fast, safe and convenient.
Register and try all the possibilities of our independent draw system. Use of the independent draw service is totally free!